Editor's review
E-mail Follow-Up can monitor sent messages left unanswered. This add-in allows you to set the period of time that the sender should wait for the reply. If the reply isn`t received within the specified time the program will notify the sender.
Pros: In general, there are many a situations where you have sent a mail and did not receive a reply. One tends to drop that particular lead or action because you never received a reply. Just supposing you were reminded by an alert that no reply has been received for a particular mail, you could follow up with another mail. You can even call the party to find out what happened! What this application does is the ability to all this. E-mail Follow-Up lets you send a follow up e-mail. Now you can always send a mail through Outlook. So what you may ask is so what`s new! What`s new is this follow up mail can be template based and can be created quickly and sent out. This template can gently remind the recipient that you are still waiting for a reply.
To trigger this chain of activity what you need is a reminder that a particular mail has not been received. With a campaign, where large amounts of e-mails are sent or when some one deals with a large amount of correspondence, it may be very difficult for someone to keep track if replies has been received. The application offers you an alternative that lets you send this template based reminder to the party. This application gets integrated into Outlook and offers two additional controls when you edit a message for sending to someone. These two are "Follow up" and "Custom". With the first option you could set a time period after which you`d be reminded. You also specify criteria by which the system would identify a reply to messages. The custom choice will let you set these details for each message separately.
Cons: You`ll need to make a judgment call as to whether template based reminder would be acceptable to your client/customer/prospect.
Overall: Easy to use niche functionality makes this application good for a 3 star rating.
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